Omicron Epsilon Pi Sorority, Inc.
"Not for Ourselves but for All in Diversity."
Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
"The rate of suicide attempts is 4 times greater for LGB youth and 2 times greater for questioning youth than that of straight youth."
Suicide is the 11th cause of death in the US. Omicron Epsilon Pi Sorority, Inc., is committed to educating our community on suicide prevention, and ultimately aide in the elimination of this problem as a whole. We are involved in suicide prevention programs across the nation and will participate in Suicide week yearly in an effort to broaden the knowledge of within our community.
Suicide is a societal problem that does not pick its victims based on class, race sexual orientation, wealth, or any other societal dividing factor. In the past, majority of the statistics formed were based on the biasness of the writer. No real clinical data has been able to clearly link sexual orientation to increased risk of suicide. Until we work together and solve this ever growing problem, we will continue to lose more than 80 Americans a day. Clear, concise, unbiased data needs to be formed in order to make an effective suicide awareness program. Everyone needs to be aware of suicide and suicide prevention, not just a select group of “high risk individuals”. It is our duty to save each other, just like it our right to live life to the fullest.
We the women of Omicron Epsilon Pi Sorority Inc. have made it our duty to become educators on suicide prevention We, however, cannot do it alone. Here are a few links to help you gain more information on the problem, and become a part of the solution.