Omicron Epsilon Pi Sorority, Inc.
"Not for Ourselves but for All in Diversity."
Omicron Epsilon Pi Sorority, Inc., prides itself in being an organization that accepts women of the highest integrity, moral standards, and mental ability. Omicron Epsilon Sorority, Inc. has committed itself to admitting women from all walks of life. Though most sororities require that its applicants have a college education Omicron Epsilon Pi doesn’t necessitate that its aspirants are enrolled in a four-year institution of higher learning. Omicron Epsilon Pi has realized that college is not for everyone that is why we have a community-based line of operations when it comes to membership.
When applying for membership into our sisterhood one must consider these things:
Be sure of whom you are. Omicron Epsilon Pi Sorority, Inc. is an organization for feminine women in the LGBT Community.
What can I bring to Omicron Epsilon Pi? Do you want to just wear letters or make a difference within the LGBT community?
Am I a leader or a follower? Will you sit back and complain or will you get up and make things happen?
Can I accept constructive criticism? Do you think that you’re always right or can you accept someone leading you in the right direction?
Do I want to help my community? Service is what we do. We are leaders in helping our community above all else.
Is Omicron Epsilon Pi a business or a party? We are a business that needs strong individuals to help us run smoothly.
Do I want sisters or sex partners? Omicron Epsilon Pi Sorority, Inc. DOES NOT in any shape, form, or fashion allow its members to fraternize in anyway that is deemed unsuitable.
Can I exemplify the Epitome of Femininity? Members of Omicron Epsilon Pi Sorority, Inc. must be mindful at all times of their behavior whether in letters or not.
Am I dedicated? Omicron Epsilon Pi Sorority, Inc. is an organization of constant transformation and growth.
At the end of everything, one must be sure that they can stand tall and without blemish in the Land of Pi.