Omicron Epsilon Pi Sorority, Inc.
"Not for Ourselves but for All in Diversity."
On February 7, 2000, after much hard work and thought, four ingenious minds merged to create Iota Lambda Pi Sorority. While Sorority’s & Fraternity’s have been around for more than 120 years, the vision that these ladies held was something much different than your traditional Greek Letter Organization.
Lakisha Goss, Janiece Smith, Michelle McCallum and Stefany Richards saw a need for a Sorority that catered to Lesbian women of Color. Thus, they began the journey of taking the necessary steps to start an organization that would uplift and uphold unity within our community. Yet as the planning got under way, they realized an even greater need for an organization that catered to the needs of aggressive or dominant women.
With this revelation, Iota Lambda Pi was renamed a fraternity. Iota Lambda Pi Fraternity would establish a haven for dominate women that would change the negative stereotypes placed upon butch/stud women within our community. Lakisha and Janiece branched off to form Omicron Epsilon Pi Sorority which would open it’s arms to feminine lesbians upholding the highest standards and respect for themselves.
Our founders Lakisha, Janiece, Michelle, and Stefany are now known as “Sapphires” and without knowing it, they formed a blueprint for future lesbian sororities and fraternities.
With progress comes change and recognition. On February 5, 2005, Danielle Guess and Kalicia Fresh were inducted as founders. These two ladies have exemplified true dedication and upheld Omicron and Iota in the highest regards. While they were not on the original board of founders, their commitment, hard work, and genuine love shows the exact vision our 4 sapphires had for Iota and Omicron.